° disgustarse to be displeased or hurtSe disgustó por lo que le dije.She was hurt by what I mentioned to her. Dictar to dictateLe voy a dictar unas cartas.I’m going to dictate some letters to him. —Hizo lo que le dictó su consciencia.He did what his conscience dictated. ▲ to give, concern Acerca de esto no se han dictado órdenes.They have not given any orders about this.

Chueco crooked, bent Este zapato está chueco.This shoe is crooked. Chorro jet, spurtAbrió el grifo y salió un chorro de agua.He turned on the faucet and a jet of water came out. Chocante shocking, witty ; annoying, disagreeable . ° no, or ni, chistar to not say a wordCuando vio a su padre ni chistó.When he saw his father, he did not even say a word. Cegar [rad-ch I] to blindMe ciega esa luz tan fuerte.That sturdy gentle blinds me. Balancearse to sway, rock, swingNo se balancee en la silla; se va a romper.Don’t rock within the chair; it is going to break.

▲ patch Sólo había algunas manchas de vegetación cerca del río.There were only some patches of vegetation close to the river. Malicia maliceLo hizo sin malicia.He did it without malice. ° tener malicia to be maliciousAquellas palabras parecían tener malicia.Those appeared to be malicious phrases. Liso smoothQuiero un papel liso.I desire a smooth piece of paper.

▲ to be superfluousMe parece que aquí sobro.It appears to me that I’m superfluous here. Siquiera at leastDéme siquiera agua fría.At least give me some cold water. Saldo balance¿Cuál es el saldo de mi cuenta? What is the balance of my account? ▲ saleHubo un saldo en esa tienda.There was a sale in that store. La silla en el rincón.Put the chair in the nook.

° diversos various, severalLe he visto en diversas ocasiones.I’ve seen him on several occasions. Dirección direction¿En qué dirección va Ud.? La dirección con claridad.Write the tackle clearly.

▲ wits, ingenuityVivía de su ingenio.He lived by his wits. ° ingenio de azúcar sugar plantation; sugar mill. Influir to affect, to have influence Influye en los que le rodean.He influences everyone round him. Incomodar to disturb, inconvenience, bother¿Le incomoda a Ud.

How much does that room rent for? ▲ to provide, yieldEstos valores rentarán mucho en el futuro.These shares will yield a great deal sooner or later. ° atender a razones to listen to cause. ° dar razón to offer informationSe alquila. Darán razón en la portería.For lease. See the janitor for info.

Sin withoutLlegó sin un centavo.He arrived without a penny. —Le espero en la oficina mañana sin falta.I’ll anticipate you at the tujhse hai raabta g5 office tomorrow without fail. ° sin embargo nevertheless, nevertheless.

° tachar de to accuse of beingLe tacharon de ladrón.They accused him of being a thief. Sugestionar to influenceNada podía sugestionarle.Nothing may affect him. ° sugestionarse to be spellboundMe quedé sugestionado.I was spellbound.