Global health estimates are routinely generated by fitting statistical models to countries with data. They also incorporate other variables such as GDP to make predictions for countries without data. In this article, we discuss lessons learned from previous GHEs, the value of GHEs, and the ethical issues that arise. We’ll also touch on the ethics of generating GHEs. Hopefully, you’ll find this article useful. In the meantime, we’ll look at some examples of global health estimates visit this website
Lessons learned from past GHEs
The cost of preventing and containing global health emergencies is staggering, and being prepared is the most efficient way to prevent and manage these threats. Global health estimates for 2016 indicate a loss of GDP of 0.6 percent and output losses of USD 12.55 trillion, respectively. While the global loss from pandemics remains a top priority, a wide array of urgent health needs remain underfunded and under-prioritised. Among these, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) account for the majority of deaths worldwide and a significant portion of these in low-income countries.
In addition to the cost of diseases, there are other sources of funding for global health, including aid. In 2017, global health spending totalled USD 7.8 trillion, or ten percent of world GDP. Aid funds represent less than one percent of this total, but make up 29% of health spending in lower and middle-income countries. The COVID-19 pandemic is raising global health security questions, and international development cooperation should focus more on preventing, containing and treating diseases and providing care to vulnerable populations.
Methods of collecting data for GHEs
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has invested heavily in the production of global health estimates. The underlying data, estimation methods, and country involvement all play a role in the quality of the results. There is no one centralized source of data to generate these estimates, and there are several reasons for this. For example, the lack of quality data from many sources leads to divergent estimates. This also leads to greater reliance on other countries’ data and covariates.
This is why it is crucial to publish global health estimates that are transparent and undergone rigorous peer review. Transparency is essential for trustworthy publications and predictions. Using these estimates responsibly can have a profound impact on global health. But it is not enough to compile data in a spreadsheet. The data must be freely available so that researchers can use them in their work. The GATHER working group has created a checklist of 18 principles to help those who create estimates to meet these standards.
Value of GHEs
Previously, the WHO was the sole source of global health estimates. However, the monopoly on these metrics has reduced the incentive for continuous improvement. Now, a new independent initiative has emerged – the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – to compete with the WHO. The recent publication of GBD 2010 has created a controversy among global health advocates.
As such, it is important to understand the role that health estimates play in shaping the global health agenda. While these estimates may not be entirely based on objective, scientific evidence, they can be used to inform and influence policy decisions and priorities. Furthermore, they can serve as a critical source of evidence for countries’ progress towards their agreed targets. But despite the importance of global health estimates, their usefulness in policy-making is often overshadowed by other factors.
Ethics of GHEs
Ethics of global health estimates must be consistent with ethical considerations for the affluent, especially with respect to the exploitation of the poor. These issues are complicated by the nature of institutions that secure a high standard of living for the affluent while reinforcing the deprivation of the global poor. Nonetheless, they give rise to compensatory health-related moral obligations beyond national boundaries. In this paper, we consider a few ethical topics relevant to global health estimates:
First, we need to understand the scope of global health phenomena. This can help us identify ethical issues and develop salient moral arguments. We must also consider the implications of actions or inaction in global health. Global health ethics can consider both macro and micro-level health phenomena. Moreover, we must consider the potential harm of global health estimates, as well as the harm it causes to humanity. Therefore, global health ethics should be interpreted broadly.
Impact of GHEs on country policy formulation
Increasingly, the World Bank and WHO are focusing on the role of health systems and the importance of policy formulation. They have estimated the cost of achieving the health-related Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) at between $20 and $25 billion per year. However, these estimates are only applicable when policies and investments in health are congruent. Nevertheless, a growing number of bodies are beginning to recognize the benefits of research-informed health policy.
To assess the effectiveness of WHO-led efforts, WHO collates and analyses the global health research that it funds. Using this data, WHO can identify common themes and specific issues such as equitable access to health services. It will identify and analyze the research from two or more international bodies and assess the full body of evidence that policy-makers in the country need to formulate effective health policies. This method is particularly useful in developing countries where the WHO has no formal relationship.